
How can insurers better serve their customers thanks to WhatsApp Business API?

Posted by indigitall on Mar 30, 2021 3:01:51 PM



Clients always prefer fast, efficient, and direct service. And, above all, in the current situation. It is not a novelty, but now it is revealed more clearly. In this sense, digitization plays a very important role in offering a better customer experience. From indigitall we want to tell you why WhatsApp Business API is the tool that your insurance company needs to offer optimized and fast attention to its users.


The benefits of the WhatsApp Business API service for insurers


The use of WhatsApp in Spain is impressive compared to other countries. 93% of smartphone users have it, and its use has increased sevenfold in the last year. In fact, 87% of the people who have installed it on their phone use it several times a day. This data makes it the most effective communication channel with customers. Its speed, its good operation and its versatility are some of its advantages.


But WhatsApp has also revolutionized the way of communicating in the business world, as it offers immediacy, trust and closeness. According to a Majorel study, just over 60% of consumers need personal contact, a requirement that insurers can meet with the help of WhatsApp.


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How Insurance Companies Can Take Advantage of WhatsApp Business API


Thanks to the functionalities offered by the indigitall service for companies, companies can improve their ability to offer support, advice and assistance to their clients. Next, we show you some cases of use of WhatsApp Business API applied to the insurance sector.


  • Offer online advice when the client needs it and answer questions. In this way, agents can provide the necessary documents on the spot and without delay.


  • Streamline the contracting of services. The speed of WhatsApp allows you to close sales in less time, without the client getting cold.


  • Manage claims. Thanks to the immediacy that it allows, the client can carry out these procedures quickly. Especially nowadays, we have documents and even a camera on hand on our mobile phones.


  • Alerts and reminders. Can you imagine being able to easily inform your clients of the expiration date of their contract, payments, or renewal of policies? In addition, in the same conversation you can exchange the necessary documents with the client.


  • Report changes in insurance. If we consider that many users do not get to read a large part of the emails they receive from companies, or they end up in their spam tray, the messages through this instant messaging app are extremely useful. Especially when it is important to warn customers of significant changes.

Write us for more information


At indigitall we are experts in providing this cutting-edge and innovative service, essential for companies that want to offer more personalized attention and be closer to their customers. If you want to know more, follow us on LinkedIn and do not miss any of our updates.


Topics: WhatsApp Business, Uses Cases

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