
Move towards business digitalization with WhatsApp Business API

Posted by indigitall on Nov 10, 2020 1:59:11 PM


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Do you know what digitalization is? It is about the process of implementation of digital technology in companies. And business management methods from indigitall like WhatsApp Business API, can greatly help businesses bring their products closer to customers, always safely and effectively.

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In the 1990s, the concept of "digital economy" began to sound strongly ... But then few imagined that the Internet would become part of everyone's life in the way it has. Many wondered if this digitalization would really improve production processes. Well, now we know the answer!


With the help of WhatsApp Business API, today any company can improve its customer service system. With a single tool you can centralize all your customer service. Your company customer service will have the possibility of giving thousands of answers in minutes, distribute useful information and also do it in a segmented and personalized way. What company wouldn't want to have something like this?

In addition, it has many more functionalities. When it comes to customer service, developments with WhatsApp Business API are most useful. For example, companies dedicated to online commerce have the option of integrating this service into their CRM. In this way they can be in permanent contact with clients, facilitating the exchange of information.


Think that digitalization has spread to all aspects of daily life: emails, online purchases, downloads, virtual appointments ... Therefore, if you need to boost your business and join the digital world, at indigitall we will offer you a system that will allow you to retain your customers in a simple way, and always adapted to the needs of your company.

Do not miss the opportunity to improve the reputation of your brand and satisfy your customers using the most used channel in the world.



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